Friday, October 2, 2015

New Connection

That talk I gave on Sunday keeps making connections for me.

So, first I was asked by a member of the ward if I would tutor his son in technical writing, then that member's daughter emailed me to thank me for helping her brother and to offer herself as a "resource" for me to meet single LDS women in the area.  While my divorce has a month or so still to go before it's finalized, I am interested in having a friend who can help me start dating again when the time comes.

As I thought on the emails exchanged with the various members of this family, I thought back to my prompting to move here in the first place.  At first, my instructions were that I needed to be in a new area to meet my future wife, but as time has gone on, it's become more specific: I need to be a member of my current ward to make the right connections to meet her (and while it's never been clear, I've had a feeling that she is not be a member of this ward).  I don't want to say that this young woman is the connection I needed to make, but it does all line up rather nicely.

For now, I thanked her for her offer and told that since my divorce isn't finalized yet, I shouldn't date anyone, but I'd be happy to participate in group activities if she knows of any.  She hasn't responded to me yet, so maybe it's nothing -- or maybe she just wants to have an activity in mind before she writes back.  I'm interested to see where this leads ...

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