Friday, October 16, 2015

Of Pies and Panic Attacks

You may be wondering why today’s post is so late.  I normally like to have my post written the night before so they can go live automatically the next morning.  However, last night didn’t go according to plan.

I had decided that I wanted to make some miniature pumpkin pies to take into the office, so I made some pie crust and put it in the fridge to chill.  A little later, I mixed together the pie filling and preheated the oven just in time for me to take the chilled crust out and cut it into the right shape.  When I tried to work with it, it completely fell apart.  Then, after being out of the fridge for just a few minutes, it became a gross, gooey mess.

I had forgotten that pie crust is something that has to be felt out.  You mix together the ingredients, but you also need to handle the dough to make sure it has the right texture.  Since I skipped that step, the dough was unusable, but I was able to save it by kneading in some flour and letting it chill again.  With the dough properly prepared this time, I was able to complete the pies.

What I have yet to mention is that when the dough was wrong, I started having a panic attack.  Not a major one, but I was really out of sorts for a bit.  Thankfully, my older sister, Margot, called and her chat helped me calm down.\

So, my apologies about the lateness in my post, I just had too much to deal with last night.

1 comment:

Grandma Bonnie said...

Your coworkers are very lucky to have you bake them pies. No need to panic you are wonderful with or without the pies.