Monday, October 12, 2015

The Beginning ≠ the End

Fast and testimony meeting is always a bit of a gamble: an open mic with the invitation to come forward and share sometimes results in someone being inappropriate.  Sometimes the one being inappropriate is a child or a new member and sometimes its an "old-timer."

Yesterday, after the Bishop bore a lovely testimony, an older member of the ward -- "older" referring to both his physical age and the length of time he's been in the ward -- got up and scolded the congregation for not taking the gospel seriously.  At one point he even shouted into the microphone "DO NOT TAKE THE GOSPEL FOR GRANTED!"  I don't know what he's experienced that gives him this particular impression.  My immediate thought was "This is the wrong place for this sort of thing" (the first rule of technical writing is "write for your audience," which implies that you know your audience; he did not know his audience).  It was jarring and an inappropriate use of the mic and time.

Thankfully, the rest of the testimonies that followed were positive and uplifting.  Not only that, but the rest of the day was, too.  I not only finished my meetings at church, but I also went on exchanges with the missionary Elders and attended Stake Priesthood meeting.  I got in a lot of church, is what I'm saying.

While the day started off weird, I'm happy that I didn't allow it mar the rest of what turned out to be a very good day.

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