Monday, October 19, 2015

Worth the Pain

After my panic attack on Thursday, I ended up being unable to sleep until about 3 AM.  Thankfully, the work that I had on Friday was engaging enough that I wasn't in risk of falling asleep at my desk.  However, due to my fatigue, I strongly considered skipping the Elder's Quorum activity that was scheduled for that evening.  After a lot of consideration, I decided to attend anyway because I need meaningful human interaction whenever I get the chance for it.

I met those that attended the activity at a local driving range.  I admitted when I arrived that I was in high school when I last had swung a golf club.  Everyone else in the group had had a similar experience -- in fact, the most recent anyone had done anything golf related was last year when the Elder's Quorum went to the same driving range -- so I fit right in.

Since I haven't used a club in so long, I lack the necessary callouses to golf pain-free.  Around ball fifty (there was a counter in the stall from which I was driving), I noticed that I had a couple of mild blisters on my right thumb.  They were more annoying than painful, so I just kept swinging.  By the time I got to ball eighty (out of a hundred balls), the blisters had combined together and had been ripped off.  The blister had been shallow enough that I wasn't bleeding, but my raw skin was exposed.  Even so, I finished out the rest of the bucket before calling it quits.

After everyone was done, we all got ice cream to finish off the night.

While this wasn't the best experience I've ever had at a church-sponsored event, it was still well-worth attending and I'm glad that I struggled through the fatigue and discomfort to unit with my brothers.

1 comment:

Grandma Bonnie said...

the last time I swung a golf club was at my cousin Jerry's house In Georgia. Paige and I were on the long vacation. My hand was sore the next day, but no blisters. I missed the ball as often as I hit it. The score was awful but the laughs were wonderful.