Monday, October 5, 2015

General Conference, October 2015

General Conference weekend is such a wonderful time; shame that we only get to experience it twice a year.

As with Conferences past, I looked for overarching themes across all of the talks.  More than anything else, the thing that stood out to me was the need to be faithful in the Church.  Sometimes that came through in a message about the dangers of the world in which we live, sometimes it was in a message of the joy of service, sometimes it was in a message about the wonderful blessing of the Atonement, but that theme stood out to me more than any other.

When I spoke to my parents soon after the final session, they asked me what my favorite talk was.  Since I hadn't thought that specifically about any particular talk, I was surprised by their question.  However, I was quick to answer that, at least at that moment, President Nelson's talk from the Sunday Morning session was my favorite.  While following the theme I addressed above, he also talked about the need for a loving companion in life and in the gospel.  I'm sure that the personal circumstances I'm currently experiencing made his words touch me in such a profound way, though I'm also sure that I would have found his words comforting even without a pending divorce.

It was also wonderful to hear from the three new apostles.  I'll admit that they don't really stand out to me as distinct individuals right now -- I can't remember their names without being reminded -- but that will change over the next few Conferences as we get to hear from them more and more.

One thing that I'm planning on doing this time that I haven't done before is that I'm going to start reviewing the Conference talks right away.  Starting tomorrow, I'm going to supplement my normal scripture study with one talk a day from Conference.  I enjoyed this Conference, so I'm looking forward to learning even more from the upcoming review.

What stood out to you?

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