Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Surprise Opportunity

My talk in church on Sunday got some surprising attention afterwards.  As I waited for Priesthood opening exercises to begin, a brother I had never met before sat down next to me and introduced himself.  He said that he had enjoyed my talk earlier, for which I thanked him.  Then he told me about his son who is attending the University of Maryland and studying engineering.  Unfortunately, he didn't graduate recently because he failed his technical writing class.  This brother asked if I would be interested in being paid to tutor his son.

When I was preparing my talk, I had decided to include the fact that I'm technical writer to simply be part of my introduction, but now I'm thinking that I was inspired to bring it up so that I could be of assistance to this brother's son.  If he had simply asked if I could help out, I would have done what I could to be of service, but I'm also not going to turn down his offer to be paid to do it.

Nothing final has been worked out at this point, but we have exchanged a couple of emails to get the ball rolling.  It's amazing what kinds of connections we make simply by attending church and fulfilling our assignments.

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