Friday, September 11, 2015

The Itch Returns

My apartment looks like I recently went a coke bender and, no, I'm not referring to the cola.  There are piles of while powder all over the place: in the bathroom, in front of the couch, in front of the desk, down the hall, and plenty in the kitchen.

The substance is sodium bicarbonate or baking soda.

You see, on Monday, I was in the Larsen's backyard for less than thirty minutes, but that was all it took for the she-mosquitoes to feast on my delicious blood.  I knew I had been bit at least a few times, but by the time I got home, I counted twenty bug bites on my legs.

I took as much Benadryl as was safe, but it made little difference.  I woke up Tuesday night with my legs involuntarily twitching from the intense itching.  I looked up different remedies and decided to go with applying a baking soda paste.  Thankfully, the paste took the edge off enough that I wasn't fighting the urge to rip my own skin off.  But due to the way that the paste would dry and flake off, it meant that I needed to work from home on Wednesday.  Thankfully, my temporary manager was fine with that solution and I was able to regularly treat my bites throughout the day.  Enough of the irritant had passed through my system that I was able to return to the office the next day.

Since I'm still applying the paste when I'm home, it doesn't make sense to clean up yet.  I'm hoping to be through the worst of it by this weekend.

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