Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Meet the New Boss

I found out yesterday who my new boss will be.  She's already a manager within the company, though not one that I've met.  Michael, the other person at my level in the department, has worked with her on a previous assignment and simply said that she's nice.  I'll meet her tomorrow, so I'll be able to determine the accuracy of his assessment then.

One odd thing?  She's moving from Turin, Italy (both Michael and I agreed that she'll definitely be downgrading by moving to Baltimore).  Due to such a major move, she won't actually be officially starting to work regularly from our office until the beginning of December.  So we know who our new boss will be, but we've still got a couple of months of being in limbo.  Still, it's nice to know who I'll be reporting to in case of an emergency, like another seizure.

(By the way, with Magdalena as my next boss, that means that all of the bosses I've had as a technical writer have been women.  I don't know if that means anything, it's just a pattern I've noticed.)

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