Monday, September 21, 2015

Almost Recovered

After going home early on Thursday and staying home Friday, along with taking it easy on Saturday and Sunday, I've done a lot of recuperating this weekend.

The worst part of any seizure is usually the torn muscle fibers afterwards.  While I still experienced some of that this time, it didn't seem as bad as the times before.  I think it helped that I've been taking creatine on a daily basis for the past month and continued to take it after the seizure.  For those that don't know, creatine is a naturally occurring chemical in the body that aids in muscle recovery and I've been taking it to help me with my weight-training.  By having an increased amount of creatine in my system ahead of time put me in better shape to deal with the aftermath of the seizure.

The other things I've been dealing with are the sore in my lip and the one on the side of my mouth where I bit myself.  There's nothing I can do about the predominate bruise on my lower lip, but I've been using the canker sore mouth wash I discovered a few months ago to help with the bite marks.  It's not a perfect solution, but it does seem to be helping at least a bit.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, so I'll have to make sure that I keep a better eye on when my preventative medication quantities are getting low so that I can maintain my seizure total at an already-too-high three.

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