Friday, September 25, 2015

Following Directions

Yesterday at work, I needed to shoot some video of a compressor for an upcoming video.  According to the company guide to product photography, products should be cleaned and any bung plugs, if present, should be removed.  Following these guidelines, I removed a couple of bung plugs, polished the copper piping with steel wool, and whipped the whole compressor down with basic surface cleaner.  With it all clean, I decided to move it away from a bunch of creates to eliminate background distractions.  It's a heavy compressor, so I grabbed a dolly to help move it.

For those that aren't aware, compressors have internal moving parts.  When machine parts move, friction is produced, which breaks down the machine.  To prevent this, machines are lubricated.  Do you see where things are going?

I tipped back the compressor and spilled about a quart of oil out of the unplugged bunghole and onto the floor, getting quite a bit on my right shoe and pant leg.  I then spent the next forty minutes cleaning up the mess before I shot maybe ten minutes of video, of which we'll probably use less than a minute.

It was a frustrating experience, but at least one of my shoes is really shiny now.

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