Wednesday, July 30, 2014


At Church on Sunday, Mark (the one that had me over for Thanksgiving last year) asked me if I wanted to come over and have a swim.  I was surprised, but happily accepted the invitation.  It was a timely invitation since I had just changed my running routine to be sprinting rather than distance running and I inadvertently gave myself shin splints, so having an option for cardio that didn't require pounding my bones into the ground sounded quite nice.  We planned on me coming by Tuesday evening.

I arrived at the expected time.  What was unexpected, however, was that I was asked if I would join them for dinner.  The family had just redone their kitchen and was testing out their new oven with homemade pizza.  Not only was it delicious, it also marks the first time that I've eaten kale and actually enjoyed it.  Then, we sat around and talked about some of our favorite "Weird" Al songs, with their thirteen-year-old son playing a couple on his smart phone.  Pizza and "Weird" Al.  Can it get any better?

After an adequate rest, Mark and I changed and got into the pool.  Mark is a trained lifeguard and doesn't like to go swimming unless someone else is present, so my being there was as much for him as it was for me.  While I enjoyed the swimming, I forgot how hard it is.  I'm used to running where I can just breathing hard while I move, not having to plan when I can inhale.  I ended up switching from freestyle swimming to the breast stroke to make breathing easier.  Even with the challenges involved, I enjoyed the time in the water.

When it was time to get out and dry off, Mark asked me when I wanted to come back and for now, we're planning on me coming by for a swim next Tuesday as well.  I don't know how long we'll keep this up, but for now I'm enjoying it.

1 comment:

Crystal said...

I don't like putting my face in the water, so I do the backstroke. I even tried using a snorkel to do the crawl stroke, but I still don't like it. I do like moving through the water.