Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Additional Assignment

I was asked to attend Ward Council this week, despite the fact that my calling is just as a Sunday School teacher.  The reason?  I have volunteered my services as a tech writer to anyone who needs help beefing up their resume, so I was there to assist the Ward Employment Specialist.

I have not worked on too many resumes for ward members.  I've honestly helped with about three or four, but I'm now considered a required stop for all members seeking assistance from the ward.  The Bishop told me that I am performing an important service for the Ward, not just because I'm helping people improve their lives, but because I'm also acting as a gatekeeper of sorts: if members can't at least email me their resume to look at, then they may not deserve financial assistance.

Anyway, I attended Ward Council to confirm if certain members had contacted me with their resume or not.  Most had, though not all.  It was kind of weird being invited as an expert in my field and not because I'm serving in a leadership position.  I know that I've worked hard to obtain the skills that have but its still new to be recognized for it.  It's kind of cool.

As the meeting ended and I left, I reaffirmed my commitment to helping out anyone that needed it.  After all, it wasn't so long ago that I was in the same position.

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