Monday, July 28, 2014

Flapjack Flipping Fun

Pioneer Day was last Thursday, so my ward celebrated by having a pancake breakfast the morning of the following Saturday.  Since I worked as a cook at IHOP for one summer, I volunteered to help cook.  I wanted to make sure that I would fall asleep early enough so I could wake up to help set up, so I took a homeopathic sleep-aid the night before.  Apparently it worked too well because I slept through my alarm - I woke up at about a quarter after 8, with the actual event starting at 8:30.  I jumped out of bed and quickly got dressed and woke Samuel up so that we could leave.  I stopped long enough to eat a banana and take my anti-seizure medication and we were out the door.

We arrived right as the cooking was starting.  While I do feel bad for not being there to help set up, at least I got there in time to cook.  The cooking was done on camping stoves on the Church patio.  We had a couple of brothers on bacon duty, with a father-son team cooking most of the pancakes and me on a smaller stove doing my part.  I did see some of the other pancakes come out underdone, so I gave a few tips to help out, which were well-received.  I got several compliments on my pancake cooking-style from members that made a point to sample from my work, which was nice.

In the end, we cooked for a little over an hour and went through six pounds of bacon, an entire large bag of pancake mix, and and three or four watermelons.  While not everybody got to have bacon, everyone who came was able to have pancakes, even the couple of families that came late.  I made sure that I helped clean everything up, especially since I missed setting up.

And, yes, I ate a few pancakes myself, but, no, I did not enjoy them.  What I did enjoy was being able to serve in the ward using my skills that I have acquired over the course of my life - that was quite delicious.

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