Monday, July 14, 2014

United in Friendship

Samuel mentioned to me recently that Mary, the sister from Nigeria, had had a birthday party for her daughter and no one from the ward showed up.  As Samuel put it, she felt that "no one loves her."  Seeing an opportunity to help amend some feelings, I invited her to a picnic sponsored by the Elder's Quorum.  She was happy to accept the invitation.

While at the picnic, we hung out with a newly moved-in family, Mike and his wife Allison.  While Mary did take some time to play with her daughter on the playground equipment, the four of us also played Bocce ball, though we were in a grassy field and not a sandpit.  I also brought some fresh-baked cookies to share.

Afterwards, I asked Mary if she was happy she came.  Her answer was an enthusiastic "yes."  While I can't say that all of the damage of hurt feelings has been mended, it does appear that Mary is at least open to the idea of spending time with members of the ward.

This was "family-style picnic" and it was expected for everyone to attend with their families.  As someone who is on his own, it would have easy to not attend.  However, I made plans so that not only I would have some place to be if I went, but I also invited a single mother who is in a similar situation.  It was an opportunity for me to work on making more connections and building friendships and I'm glad I took advantage of it.

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