Wednesday, June 25, 2014


After church on Sunday, the newly called Ward Mission Leader, Mike, came up to me to ask some questions about Samuel - since Samuel is still a new member and is receiving the new member lessons from the full-time missionaries, Samuel falls under Mike's jurisdiction.  He didn't know that we were roommates, only that I was Samuel's friend.  I updated him on how we ended up sharing an apartment.  He seemed genuinely impressed that I would offer Samuel a place to stay when he was having trouble with his previous housing situation.

Then Mike did something surprising.  He asked me to go mountain biking with him.  I told him that I haven't really done any biking since my mission and that I tend to prefer running these days, but I said that if he had a spare bike for me to use, I'd be happy to go.  He does have an extra bike and said that we would need to plan something.

When we parted ways, I couldn't help but think that Mike might be one of the friends that I'm trying to find.  Again, it's not like I don't have friends in the ward because I do.  It's just that they all have families that they want to spend time with.  So does Mike, but he has an activity that he apparently can't do with them and wants buddy to go with him.

Anyway, the point of this is that it got me thinking: maybe I don't need a few close friends that I see a couple times a week (which is the model I'm used to), maybe I need several friends that I only see about once a month and our gatherings are centered around an activity.  I don't know, I'm just playing around with the idea right now.  However things workout, it's nice to be invited to hang out.

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