Monday, June 9, 2014

Living Happily

On Saturday, I took Samuel to the Bishop's storehouse to collect his allotment for the current fortnight.  On the way, he brought up how happy he was to be a member of the Church.  He wasn't talking about how he was receiving assistance for his physical needs (though that is certainly the case); rather, he was talking about how friendly everyone has been and how he has learned so much about the gospel since moving to the area.

Now remember, Samuel has no job, is not currently allowed to work, and has been separated from his family for over three years.  Yet, he described himself as happy.  It reminded me of Nephi's words that I wrote about last year: "we lived after the manner of happiness."

Even during trying times, if we turn to the Lord and his gospel, we can find happiness.  It was good to be reminded of that from someone who is facing even greater challenges than me.

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