Friday, August 29, 2014

Spirit Animals

I found out recently where the concept of "spirit animals" came from.  It's the combination of a person's Greek astrological sign and their Chinese astrological sign.  For those of you playing at home, that means that it's an overly-complicated exercise that's ultimately meaningless.  That said, I did think it would be fun to look up what animals are associated with my family members.  And while there are personality traits associated with each animal, I'm ignoring that and just presenting the creatures.

Not going lie, that's pretty cool.  I'm not sure how a bull and a tiger equals a wolf, but still it's still cool.

That's a little weird.  I can see where the ram comes in, but how do you go from horse to hammerhead shark?

I can actually see how they came to an Emperor Tamarin by combining a crab and monkey.

So virgin plus rooster equals corgi?

Now this one is really dumb.  Aquarius is the "water bearer" and by combining that with a rat you get a meerkat?  This one totally should be an otter.

There's no denying that a panther is completely awesome, but this is the combination of a water bearer and a rabbit?  At least panthers live in places with water.

The animal is listed as "whale," so I went with a picture of a humpback.  The dragon aspect I see, but I don't see how this relates to Sagittarius, the archer.


Really?  Not only is my animal extinct, but the name dodo is likely derived from slang that meant "stupid."  Pigs are smart and sheep are stubborn, so how did I get saddled with this?  Good thing it's all nonsense.

Well, that was a look at a fad that has been gaining in popularity lately because people love to believe in something beyond themselves even if its something that has been debunked long ago ("No, this is new!  We combined two things that are fake into one thing that's totally real!").  I hope you had fun.


Marc R. said...

The dodo was a stupid, flightless bird that was not afraid of humans, who hunted it into extinction. According to reports, dodo meat didn't even taste good. It was not even a challenge to kill a dodo. It is easy to see why the name of the bird became a slang word for stupid. It is not easy to see how you could be labeled with such an epithet.

Paige said...

The Gregorian calendar doesn't match the Chinese calendar exactly. The Chinese New Year lands somewhere between January 21 - February 20. So I'm a tiger, not a rabbit.