Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Good Timing

Most of the time when I bake something, it's for a specific person or event; however, every now and again I spend some time in the kitchen just because I feel like it.  On Monday, I decided that I wanted to try out a recipe that I had Frankenstein'd together because it sounded like fun.  I was thinking of summer flavors and decided that I wanted to try my hand at what I'm calling "S'more Pie" - graham cracker crust, chocolate custard filling, and toasted marshmallow topping.  When I was finished, I thought it looked pretty good, but it was too late for me to sample so I put it in the fridge for the next day.

The next day, I got an email in the morning from my Elder's Quorum President, Mark, about a surprise move that evening.  We were already planning on meeting up for an unrelated manner, so the move simply pushed our meeting back a bit.  I checked my email on my lunch and found another email from him saying that since it was his and his wife's 30th wedding anniversary, he wasn't sure if we would still be meeting after all.  I wrote back and told him that we would meet later and that he should spend the evening with his wife; I would simply swing by for a document that I needed for the project that we're working on.

That's when inspiration struck: When I stop by to pick up the document, I should give them the S'more pie.  So, after a brief stop at home, I went by Mark's place for the pick up and surprised them with the pie.  And surprised they were!  Considering that I didn't know that it was their anniversary, I'd say that the timing couldn't have been better.  Mark told me that the combination of the pie and me accepting the assignment to help with the move so that he could stay with his wife were probably the best anniversary gifts he had received this year.

Inspiration can sometimes be so subtle that we don't realize that it's inspiration until later on.  In this case, I made a pie for a couple of people that I care quite a bit for, even though I didn't know it while I was making it.  I think that's pretty amazing.

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