Monday, August 11, 2014

Linger Longer

Yesterday after church, the Ward hosted a "Linger Longer," a small get-together designed to help the members socialize and get to know each other better.  To help prepare, we were asked to bring either a plate of finger foods or a dessert.  As you may have guessed, there were more sweets than anything else.  I was a bit nervous that bringing brownies would be too boring, but by the time I made it to the food tables, all of my brownies were gone, so clearly I made the right decision.

While I was lingering, I had one sister come up to me and thank me for the work that I had done to help her with her resume a few weeks ago.  I told her that thanks were not necessary, but I was still happy that my efforts were appreciated.  Soon after we ended our conversation, another sister in the ward approached me and asked if I would help her daughter with her resume.  Of course, I said that I would help and she enthusiastically thanked me, promising to email me the document soon.

My only complaint about the event is that while I was standing in line for food, the kid behind me (I'd guess around nine or ten years old) stood way too close and kept bumping into me.  As someone who gets anxious when people violate my personal space, I was more than a little uncomfortable.  However, since this was one of those situations that just can't be helped, I just ignored it.

Overall, it was fun to get a chance to see the other members of the ward in a more casual setting.

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