Wednesday, August 27, 2014


In Elder's Quorum on Sunday, we had a lesson based on Elder Robert D. Hale's talk from last conference.  At one point in the talk, Elder Hale points out that Cain and his descendants "loved Satan more than God" and thus chose to disobey his commandments.  When we read this, I had a "liken the scriptures" moment when I realized how this applies to us.

Before I get to that, I do want to say that when I first remember reading that passage on my mission (I read it before, I'm sure, but it was on my mission when it stuck) that I realized how corrupt and wicked Cain and his children were.  They weren't simply prideful and wicked, like the Nephites during their times of unrighteousness, but they were in open rebellion to everything that God stands for.  They were true sons and daughters of perdition.

But Cain actually knew God and Satan, or had at least met them.  We aren't faced with a choice as tangible as Cain's.  For us, it may be the temptation to watch TV instead of read our scriptures, to go for a run instead of doing our home teaching, or hanging out with friends instead of attending church.  While we may be faithful otherwise, in those moments, we "love [blank] more than God."  We may not be choosing Satan over our Father in Heaven, but we are choosing something else and, therefore, saying that it is more important than obedience.

This may not be anything new to the rest of you, but it was a big revelation to me.  I know that we all struggle with certain things and that no one is perfectly obedient all of the time, but that's where the atonement comes in.  As we work to root the disobedience out of our souls, the Savior will make up the difference.

I am happy to have wonderful insights like this from the spirit, just as I'm glad to have a place where I can share said insight.

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