Monday, July 7, 2014

Independent Celebrations

To celebrate Independence Day on Friday, I went and hung out with the Larsens.  It was very nice to spend time talking with Ian and playing with the kids.  It's still cool to have the kids run up to me to give me a hug, excitedly shouting "Uncle Jordan!" whenever I visit.  I doubt that will ever get old.

I also shared my granola that I made, which went over better with Ian than the kids, but that's fine; it has a bit of a roasted flavor, so it may be an acquired taste.

After dinner, we walked over to the park for the kids to play around on the equipment there.  This happened:

A happy crowd.

And, yes, the kids thought my longish hair was funny and asked a couple of times why I had a mustache.  Ian said I looked like a "hillbilly sage," though not a trustworthy one.  Also, he alluded that bushiness of my facial hair was evidence of substantial levels of testosterone - which means, even if you don't like it, my facial hair exudes masculinity.

In the end, everyone was happy to spend time together and I can't think of a better way to celebrate the 4th of July.


Crystal said...

It is nice to see you looking so happy, but I don't get the shaggy look.

Grandma Bonnie said...

I know there is a good looking guy under all that hair. I hope he comes out soon.