Friday, November 15, 2013

Well-being Update

I haven't been back to work, but that mostly has to do with the fact that I need a doctor's note in order to return and my doctor doesn't spend all of his time at one office, so I've had to wait until he gets back in tomorrow.  I probably would have skipped Wednesday, but returned today if it weren't for needing the note.

I suppose the question on everyone's mind is am I okay?  Yes, I'm okay, but I feel like I went ten rounds with Tyson.  Apparently when I had my seizure, I tensed up my shoulders and thighs beyond what would be considered tight.  This morning, I could barely move; I still can't lift my arms above my head without screaming.

Even so, it's healing.  In all honesty, I'm lucky that I didn't bite down on my tongue while the whole thing went down and possibly bite through it.  Yeah, it's hard to think of myself as lucky when I can barely move without pain, but really I got out of this easy.

On a super-positive side, it appears that I am in no danger of losing my job.  Apparently everybody is just concerned that I feel better.  And due to my position as a contract employee, my work right now is a bonus for them, not expected.  That means the project I was helping on will continue on without me, just a little slower.  While I would, of course, like to be irreplaceable, it's also important that my absence not cause too many problems.

Things are going okay for my first (and hopefully, last) seizure.

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