Monday, November 11, 2013

Unexpected Connection

On Saturday evening, my ward hosted a dinner as a way for people to get to know each other better.  I was mistaken about when the event started and got there about 25 minutes late.  As I was walking amongst the tables, looking for a free chair, I was called over and invited to sit down.  The family that invited me over, the Engels, I had met before when they invited me over to their house for dinner about a month ago, so it was nice to not only see a familiar face but to be asked to join them.  We chatted for a while about work and movies (Dave is a total cinephile) and running (Allison runs marathons), but then an activity started.

There were a few cards taped under the chairs and we were instructed to ask them to each other.  One question instructed us to find out who had the most surprising hobby or skill.  I volunteered that it was probably me since I crochet and the rest of the table agreed.  Later on, the bishop got up and ask for us to share some of our answers.  Sister Engle pointed out that I had a surprising skill and I announced to the room that I crochet (if I was going to be embarrassed by it I wouldn't have brought it up).

When the evening was over and I was helping to put away the tables and chairs, a brother approached me to ask more about my crocheting.  I can't remember his name, but I had chatted with him before during Elder's quorum, so I kind of knew him.  Anyway, I told him that I learned how to crochet while I was on my mission from one of my companions and that I do some stuff here or there, but pretty much stick to rectangular shapes like scarves and afghans.  He asked me if I ever tried to make a hat and I said that I had, but I got confused or something because I didn't work out.  He then proceeded to tell about how he had crocheted a few dozen beanies.

I'm pretty sure that he told me he crocheted too at the beginning of our conversation, but I must have missed it (it was pretty noisy).  He also learned from one of his companions, which is a thing I guess.  He offered his help if I ever want to try making a hat again and we chatted about different stitches we'd tried and what we thought of them.  It was really cool to meet another guy that shares my unusual skill.

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