Friday, November 22, 2013

Barrage of Tests

I'm returning to work today.  I spent that last two days away so that I could more easily have some health tests taken, but I've taken as many as I can manage for now.  I'm really looking forward to going back to work and try to get some normalcy back in my life.  Since I can't drive, I was able to arrange a carpool with a member from Church.

On Wednesday I had some blood drawn for some blood tests.  Since I'm not supposed to be driving I walked to testing center; it's just down the road and only took about twenty minutes.

Yesterday, I had an EEG done.  It's an easy test for the most part (click on the link for a description from the last time I had an EEG).  Ian was kind enough to drive me to this office, since it was much farther away.

I was supposed to have a third test done, an MRI, but that had be rescheduled for next week because I had a problem with my insurance; it's all worked out, but there's a delay before I can use it again.  After that's done, I'll meet with the neurologist again and we'll talk about what he thinks caused my seizure and how likely it is to happen again.

For now, I'm just happy to go back to work.

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