Monday, November 25, 2013

Help from Every Direction

On Friday, I made it back to work.  What was different this time was that I didn't drive.  Luckily, I was able to get a ride from a member from the Ward that works nearby.  Sort of. The building I work in is right on the edge of a small harbor that is a part of the larger Chesapeake Bay.  The building that Patrick, my carpool mate, works in is also right on that same harbor, but on the other side; it's amazing how you can be so close yet so far away sometimes.  However, the City of Baltimore provides a free "water taxi" service with one route that picks me up really close to Patrick's work and drops me off really close to my work.  I have to leave a lot earlier to accommodate Patrick's commute and I have to plan around the water taxi, but considering that I'm not allowed to drive, things could be much more inconvenient.

In addition to work, I had to arrange a ride to Church yesterday.  Luckily, the Church's website has an option where you can see the location of every member's home within the ward boundaries.  So on Saturday night, I looked to see who lived in such a place so that I would be on their way to Church.  With minimal effort, I was able to get a ride to Church.

With all of this in mind, I met with the Bishop on Saturday for tithing settlement.  While I was there he asked if the Ward could do anything else for me, since I'm still recovering from my seizure.  I actually laughed when he asked because I don't think anyone could do any more.  There has been so much help offered to me since my seizure that I am at a loss for what else could be done.

Considering how stressful things are, it's really amazing that I have so many wonderful people in my family and in my ward that are extending help my way.

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