Wednesday, April 20, 2016

So That's What the Floor Looks Like ...

One of the worst things about depression is that it takes away your motivation to do even essential things.  Like when the weekends came and if I didn't have plans to meet anyone, I would stay inside, desperately in need of a shower.  Well, the same thing happened with my apartment.  In fact, I can't remember the last time I even vacuumed was.

Until Sunday.  You see, now that I'm off of levetiracetam, I'm cleaning my home again!  Even in my depressed state, I kept my kitchen clean, but the rest of the place went to pot.  I made a big step in correcting that this past Sunday.  After I got home from Church, I started doing laundry.  Instead of throwing everything in a "clean pile" when it was done, I folded and put it all away.  I cleaned up my living room enough that if I have impromptu guests, they'll have a place to sit.  I even vacuumed.  Not only does everything look nicer now that it's all clean, I've noticed that I'm able to feel the spirit more.

Now, I'm not done cleaning.  I have a lot of piled-up junk mail to throw out and I need to toss some grocery bags, but at least I've gotten started.  It feels good to be productive again.

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