Wednesday, April 27, 2016

A Worrying Series of Events

I've been on my new medication, oxcarbazepine, for nearly a month.  For the most part, I feel great.  It's the other times that have me worried.

While my depression has mostly dissipated, my anxiety has taken the opportunity to rear its ugly head again.  I don't know if my anxiety was always there and I just didn't notice it because of the depression or if only one can be experienced at a time, but whatever the case, I'm forced to maintain behaviors that will help me control my anxiety.  Thankfully, many of the same behaviors that work against depression also work against anxiety.  Also of benefit, while my anxiety has returned, I don't believe it's any stronger than it was before I started taking levetiracetam.  As far as my emotional health goes, I'm happy with the change.

Unfortunately, that's not the only issue.  Yesterday while I was at work, I experienced aphasia.  It was relatively mild, but it has me worried.  While I can chalk up the seizure I had two weeks ago to the transition, can I do the same with the aphasiatic episode?  I called my neurologist, but I haven't heard back from her yet (she works out of the local hospital and they suck at delivering messages).  Maybe the episode was due to something we can fix (maybe my dosage is too low or I have stop eating cheese or something), but it definitely has me worried.

My concern lies not only with the fact that aphasia may be a precursor for seizures, but also that I may have to switch back to levetiracetam and return to struggling to live my life.  Hopefully, I'll hear back from the doctor soon and we'll be able to solve the problem in a way that doesn't require me to switch back.

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