Monday, April 4, 2016

General Conference, April 2016

With another Conference came another opportunity to listen to the apostles and other General Authorities.  Here are my thoughts:

The main theme that I saw was the broad topic of "eternal families."  This included family life, genealogy, temple work, resurrection, eternal marriage, proper parenting, and more.  Nearly every speaker touched on this theme, even if only briefly.

One talk in particular that I liked was Elder Hales' talk on the Holy Ghost.  It was simple and straight forward, but it really stuck with me, perhaps because I found it so relatable.

Outside of Conference, it was great to spend time with Ian and the kids.  I made breakfast both days -- French toast and bacon on Saturday and biscuits and scrambled eggs on Sunday; the Clara and Henry helped both times.  The kids had trouble paying attention, but they both got excited when President Monson got up to speak.  (Side story: I asked Henry what we would call someone who was a high ranking military officer with the last name Conference.  Because of his lack of knowledge of military ranks -- and his slight speak impediment -- he said "Sir Cumference!"  The kid beat me at my own game ...)

That's what I got out of Conference.  How about you?

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