Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Number Four (Maybe)

I think I had another seizure.  I was asleep at the time and I didn't bite my lip or tear any muscles this time, but I woke up around 3 in morning on Monday feeling, well, feeling like I had just had a seizure.  One thing that was different about this time compared to the previous seizures is that I was medicated when it happened.

So, what caused it?  I think this time it was caused by low blood-sugar.  On Friday, I was still dealing with the worsened depression that came on when I started transitioning to the oxcarbazepine and I ordered a pizza and ate the whole thing.  I felt awful (a bit emotionally, but mostly physically), so I decided to try doing a juice cleanse to help pass the excess food.  In doing so, I was starving most of the weekend (I broke from the diet and got a vegetarian burrito on Saturday).  It was the worst on Sunday, but I drank my last portion of juice right before bed with the hope that I would be okay.  I wasn't.

After I woke up, I couldn't sleep for about an hour or two (when I'm recovering from a seizure, my brain becomes more alert while simultaneously becoming exhausted -- it's not fun).  I emailed my boss and told her what happened, adding that I would need some time to recover.  Even though she approved my absence, I made it into the office after lunch.  I had fitfully slept the rest of the morning (after making sure to eat some cereal and fruit to bring my blood-sugar to a safe level) and I was still pretty of out of it, but I'm glad I made it for the second half of the day.

While I think I was at risk because of the transition, I will watch my blood-sugar moving forward.  And in case you're wondering, the juice cleanse didn't even work.

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