Friday, April 24, 2015

Novice No More

I'm not sure if I've mentioned this on the blog already, but Ian has been hired as a contractor to do video editing at Danfoss.  During my first few weeks working there, I was asked if I knew anyone that did video editing, so I mentioned that I had a brother that had made a couple of homemade movies with his kids.  That was enough to peak management's interest, so Ian submitted an audition video and was hired on to do the editing in his free time.  It works well for everyone: Ian gets to be a professional video editor and Danfoss gets great quality editing work at a discount, since this is Ian's first paid gig.

I bring all of this up, because this week, we started working on another video, this one about one of the valves that Danfoss makes.  I gathered the raw footage and sent it to him (via cloud), but gave him very little direction since it was pretty straight forward.

Or so I thought.

He sent me an email back asking for lots of details about what was in the footage.  You mean not everyone knows what a thermostatic expansions valve does and how it attaches to a system?  It isn't common knowledge what an evaporator coil does?  The difference between an air conditioning system and a heat pump is obvious?

Joking aside, those were all issues I had to cover.  I've gotten so used to being behind the curve when it comes to industry knowledge at work that I hadn't realized that I've learned a lot.  I'm by no means an expert, but I know more than just the basics when it comes to the HVACR industry.  And I have to admit, that feels pretty awesome.

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