Monday, April 6, 2015

General Conference, April 2015

Boy, I hope the rest of you got something out of Conference because I'm pretty sure most of the talks were written expressly for me.

The biggest theme that I saw was the importance of families and marriage, especially eternal marriage.  I've shared before that while my current marriage is coming to an end, I feel a very strong need to get married again; I know some people would get frustrated and give up completely on the institution of marriage, but in a lot of ways, my testimony of the need for marriage is stronger than ever.  With nearly every talk mentioning marriage or families at least briefly, it's clear that I have the right idea and that once my divorce is finalized, I need to not delay in finding the next Mrs. Larsen.

Being Easter, there were a lot of talks that also mentioned the atonement, though that's normal for Conference, even in the fall.

The only other topic that seemed to stand out to me as being repeated was that we live in perilous times and we need to both protect ourselves from the power of the Adversary and the World and also stand as witnesses of the gospel at all times and in all places.

Conference is something that I always look forward to, but I can't remember the last time it seemed like so many talks were written directly to me.  I don't know if that means that I just needed the extra strength or if I'm more in tune with the Spirit than usual.  With the way things have been going lately, it's probably a combination of both.

1 comment:

Crystal said...

I really enjoyed General Conference too, and I noticed the same themes you did. I especially liked the Sunday morning session. Altogether, it was a very inspiring weekend.