Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Easter 2015

A couple of weeks ago, I got a call from Clara.  She asked if I could come and visit, make cinnamon rolls, and she could be my helper.  I was touched, of course, that my desserts had made an impact and that not only were the goodies seen as treats, but even helping to make them was a treat, too.  I worked out with Ian when would work best for both of us and we decided to do it on the weekend of Easter.

Saturday morning, before Conference started, Clara, Henry, and I went into the kitchen to make cinnamon rolls.  The both commented on how stinky the yeast was and kept track of each other to make sure that they helped only when it was their turn.  Surprisingly, when it came time to taste the spoils of our labors, they both whined that they didn't like it.  I did make a cream cheese frosting this time rather than a basic icing like last time, but it was still a surprising display on their part.  Their dad used this as a teaching opportunity about thinking about others' feelings (mine) and trying things we think we may not like.  And wouldn't you know it?  They loved them!  (I got to hand it to you, parents: you really have to put up with some petty crap.)

On Easter morning, the kids woke me up by screaming over what the "Easter Bunny" had left the night before.  After a hearty breakfast (that included cinnamon rolls), the kids dyed eggs with their dad's help while I took a shower.  The weather's only just gotten nice in the last few days, so even though it was Sunday, the kids were sent outside to run around.

Our next meal was to be our biggest, so during the first session of Conference, I put Ian's spiral-cut ham in the oven, adding more glaze every twenty minutes.  The ham came out just at the end of the session, but we weren't ready for it yet.  The kids Skyped with their maternal grandparents with their dad while I hung out in the background and turned the dyed eyes into deviled eggs.  We also had some rolls and vegetables with our ham and eggs to make it an Easter feast.

I would have been over to visit on Easter anyway, but it was really nice that I was asked for a specific treat and got to watch Conference with my brother and his family.

My extended family is either really close to the camera or really big.

I hope you had a great Easter, too.

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