Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Maybe Scabies?

I had my appointment with my regular doctor today.  I showed him my rash, explained the medication I was taking, and asked him to confirm or refute my diagnosis.  For his part, he asked a lot of questions, had me take off my shirt so he could more closely examine the rash, and left the room for a bit.  When he returned, he had an other doctor with him.  She didn't introduce herself, but I gathered from her questions and comments that she was a dermatologist.  She said (more to him than me) that the rash looked a lot like scabies, but the pattern was off.

Between the two doctors, it was decided that my condition is inconclusive, but it's better to be safe than sorry.  With that in mind, I'm to stay home tomorrow so I don't infect (infest?) anyone in the office.  Also, I need to use a topical ointment to kill the scabies that I may or may not actually have.

The best news that came from today's appointment was the assurance that my rash was not caused by the oxcarbazepine; I was worried because the description of an allergic reaction to the medication is pretty spot on to what I experienced.  One mystery that still remains: why did my ears swell up?

Here's hoping that my next post will be about something other than a dang rash.

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