Friday, July 1, 2016

Mild Success

I attended a YSA temple night tonight.  It was the most packed I've seen the Endowment room in quite a while.  And while the session was uplifting and quite nice, my main motivation for going was the fact that after the session was over, we all met in the cafeteria in the basement for snacks and hanging out.

The promised snacks (cookies) were replaced with something else entirely (a vegetable tray), but there were singles from a much greater area than just my ward, which I liked.  In fact, I met one woman from the Columbia Stake, which is the stake I was in while I lived in Ellicott City.  We were talking with the group, but I noticed her noticing me (because I was noticing her) and as we were leaving, I asked for her phone number.

And she gave it to me.

So far, we've only texted each other enough to confirm that we have the right numbers, so don't read too much into it, but it feels good to get my feet a wet in the dating world.

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