Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Cumbersome Clothes

I've had a rough week.  I had a big long drive on Monday to and from Annapolis for my dermatology appointment.  Then, in the evening, I attended Family Home Evening with the Singles' Ward, which meant a twenty-five minute drive each way to the chapel.  On Tuesday, I had a big long day working with the video production team, which saw me take a late lunch and not leave the office until after 7 PM.  Then this morning, I got to work just after 7 AM because my apartment complex sent out a notice demanding that all residents vacate their cars by 7 so that they could repave the parking lots and I figured I might as well go in to the office early.

All of this really wore me out.  When I was at work, I described how I felt to one of my coworkers as feeling like I was wearing a suit made out of mattresses.  It sounds silly, but all of my limbs felt overly large and heavy.  It took me until about 3:30 to figure out that I actually had a fever, but once I did, I got permission to go home (only find that my lot hadn't even been paved).  Hopefully, all I need is rest in order to recuperate because I'm tired of wearing my phantom mattress suit.

1 comment:

Crystal said...

I hope you feel better soon.