Thursday, July 28, 2016

A Lot of Fun

Saturday afternoon, I got a text from a member of the Bishopbric, asking me to handle Family Home Evening the following Monday.  I haven't been shy about complaining when I think an activity was less than ideal, so I knew if I was going to do it, it needed to be really good.  Following the advice of my parents, I talked to my little brother, Isaac, for some ideas.  He had several, but one in particular stood out: Pictionary.

In preparation, I wrote down 25 different scripture stories, ranging from "Nephi breaks his bow" to "The Mount of Transfiguration" and cut up the paper so that each prompt was on a thin strip.  I also baked some chocolate chip cookies for the treat, but that's just my style.  I put all the prompts in a trilby I inherited from my grandfather for people to draw out of and went to the church.

At the actual gathering, I gave a brief lesson based on 1 Nephi 19:23 about the importance of likening the scriptures to our own lives and even had a few people participate.

Then we played Pictionary, "likening" the scriptures by using drawings.  I counted everyone off to avoid friends being on the same team which might have created an unfair advantage, but it didn't really matter.  Team II dominated Team I.  Even so, members from both teams said more than once, "This is a lot of fun."  (For those curious, the easiest clue was "Jonah swallowed by the whale" and the hardest was "Paul seeks an audience with Caesar.")

I had fun preparing for Family Home Evening and I'm glad everyone had fun, but I'm also glad that it's not my regular calling.

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