Monday, August 1, 2016

Called to Serve

On Saturday, I attended my ward's pool party.  It was fun to cook on the grill and swim in the pool and generally interact with the members in my ward, but something unusual happened while I was there: I sat down with the Bishopbric so they could extend a calling to me.  So, despite all of the other people milling about, we sat in our shorts and discussed what my new responsibilities would be in my new calling.  I accepted the call with the promise that it would be announced in church the next day.

Sure enough, on Sunday my name was called for a sustaining vote in my new position as ward mission leader.  There was an opening in this position, so I knew there was a chance that could be the calling, but I still wasn't expecting it.  Interestingly, the Bishop said that while he and his counselors had been considering me for the position, the thing that clinched it for me was how well I handled FHE last Monday.  Apparently, I showed good leadership skills, as well as the fact that I knew how to properly prepare.

I don't really know all of what my calling will entail as of yet, but I'm ready to step up and learn.  We just got a second set of missionaries assigned to the ward, so they need a liaison to the Bishop now more than ever.

I know that the Lord wants me in this calling and I plan to do the best that I can while serving in it.

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