Monday, August 8, 2016

Surf and Sun

Leah and I have been texting a lot since we first met and during one of our conversations, it was brought up that we both like the beach, though neither of us had been in a long time -- she hadn't been since sometime last year and I haven't made it to the beach since moving to Maryland.  Some time later, she said she wanted to surprise me with a weekend activity, but I needed to pack my swim suit, a towel, and sunscreen.  It seems pretty obvious where we were headed, right?

It's the first place I think of when I think of the beach.

Well, because the forecast called for rain, she decided to go with her backup plan, so we went to a water park.  We went with Leah's friend, Katie, and her husband, David.  We got to the park right when they opened and were able to try out all of the attractions at the park before noon.  After a trip to the van for lunch, we went back to discover that the park was now really crowded.  With the weather outside looking nice enough, we decided to see how long it would take to get to a beach.  Since we could get to one in about an hour, we decided to give it a try.

Leah and me in the backseat

I took this picture at the end of the day because I forgot to take one at the beginning

Well, I'm glad we decided to chance the rain.  The weather was perfect and it was amazing being back at a beach, though this was my first time to one on the east coast.  The waves were great for wadding and swimming, but didn't break properly for surfing (which was just as well since we didn't have any boards).
On the beach with Leah

I planned ahead and wore sunscreen, but we were there long enough that I still got a mild sunburn.  Even so, I'm so glad that I went.  It was great being in the water again, I enjoyed meeting Katie and David, and I had a blast with Leah.  I even helped out by taking a shift driving home when everyone else was too tired.

Now, I just need to make sure that I make it back to the beach sooner than once every three years.

Sunset at the beach is still awesome, even when the sun drops behind the wrong horizon

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