Thursday, July 21, 2016


At Church on Sunday, before Sacrament Meeting started, I noticed a girl who I hadn't seen before.  She was cute and I made a point to introduce myself once the meeting was over, but I was delayed and when I looked over to where she had been sitting, she was gone.  I shrugged it off and I went to teach Sunday School.

After Priesthood was over I went to collect my container that I had brought the cookies in from the Relief Society room, when I saw the cute girl from earlier.  I took advantage of the second chance and walked over and said "hi."  The reason I hadn't seen Leah (the girl's name) before was that she had just gotten back from vacation in Washington State where she was visiting her sister for the past three weeks.  We were really hitting it off and I was getting ready to ask for her number when some guy walked up and started talking to us.  With the guy standing right there, it felt awkward to ask for her number, so I simply told her that it was nice meeting her and left, though I decided that when I saw her next Sunday, I would ask for her number.

Monday evening, I got an email from an LDS dating site, telling me that I had a new message.  This surprised me because while I had set up a profile on the site, I thought I had deactivated it.  Curious, I went to the site to investigate.  Now, with dating sites, you can set up a profile for free and can even send other users messages, but in order to read the messages you receive, you have to pay a membership fee.  I had never paid that fee, so I couldn't read the message.  However, I was able to see who sent it.  Then, I went and looked at who had recently viewed my profile, which you can also do for free.  Sure enough, the last person who had viewed my profile was the same one who had sent me the message.  I clicked on the profile and saw that it was Leah from church the day before.  Turns out I wasn't the only one who was interested!  Since I couldn't read her message, I looked up her email in the Ward directory and wrote her a new email, explaining why I didn't respond to her message through the dating site.  I also gave her my phone number.

The next morning, I got a text from Leah.  Because she works evenings at a group home for developmentally disabled adults, she starts work right before I leave the office.  But she's able to text while at work, so we've been in communication ever since.  (She's 29 and also divorced with no kids.)  I suggested that she meet me for lunch near my office, so we could see each other before the weekend.  She accepted.  That's how I had lunch with a cute girl named Leah today.  I had a really great time and we're already planning to see each other again on Saturday (and on Sunday, too, of course).

I don't know if Leah and I will make it past the second date, but it sure is great to have met someone who's just as interested in me as I am in her.

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