Tuesday, August 16, 2016

The City of Brotherly Love

On Saturday, I went to the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Temple open house with my ward.  The trip down was a bit longer than expected due to heavy traffic, but the wait was worth it.

The Philadelphia Temple was designed with a neoclassical aesthetic and most of the people I talked to said that it reminded them buildings in the National Mall, like the White House.  The outer walls are covered in granite, while the interior had lots of intricate wood work on wall moldings.  Unique to the Philadelphia temple is a painting in the waiting room depicting the signing of the Declaration of Independence, an event that was ordained of God and happened in the same city.

While I was mostly marveling at the architecture and design work, others were impressed with the spirit of the temple, which could be felt even before being dedicated.  Brian, who was baptized that morning before we left Baltimore, felt especially moved while we were in the Celestial room, saying how he can't wait until he's been a member long enough to be worthy for a recommend.  Alex, who's struggled with his activity in the Church, asked the Bishop "What would it take for me to get a temple recommend?"  It's amazing how people are touched, simply by seeing a temple.

The DC Temple has a permanent replica of the Christus, so I've seen it several times very recently.
Even so, it doesn't get old.

Most of the group from my ward in front of the Christus.

After the tour was over, we met up at large indoor food court for lunch, though a late one.  Being in Philly, I had to get a Philly cheesesteak.  The one I got was from a food stand called By George.  It was a really good cheesesteak. It was also huge -- I still have half of it waiting for me in the fridge.

The picture may by posed, but that facial expression is genuine.

While Leah didn't come to the open house with the ward (she's going with her mom later this week), I went to see her after I got back.  I met most of her family at a get-together at her mom's house and they were all very nice, if uproarious, people.

And, unrelated to my visit with her family, Leah and I have decided to exclusively date each other.  That's right: we're going steady.

Leah and me outside of our church building.

This weekend was jam-packed with activities and people, but I enjoyed it all and I'm happy with the results.

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