Friday, June 17, 2016

My Happy Place

Today was frustrating.  I won't going into the specifics, just know that someone I needed information from chose today to be a terrible communicator.  It really got under my skin, to the point that I was really distracted for the last part of my workday.

Once I was out of the office, I contemplated doing what I would have done when I was still on levetiracetam and depressed: binge on takeout food.  But I reminded myself that I've made a lot of progress (I've lost nearly twenty pounds in a little under three months) and that I didn't want to bring back destructive habits -- I actually have a personal rule in place where I'm not allowed to go to a restaurant by myself.  But in my agitated state, I still wanted something new (or at least unusual) for dinner.  So, I googled a recipe and went shopping.

Once I got home with everything I needed for garlic butter shrimp pasta, I started cooking.  I don't know when it happened, but suddenly, I wasn't upset anymore.  I was too busy enjoying the aromas of the spices and the feel of the ingredients as I added them to the pan -- I also liked the music I was playing to set the mood (I was making Italian food, so probably should have played Sinatra or Guaraldi, but I played prog metal bands Sea in the Sky and Scale the Summit).  And to top it off, the meal was delicious.

It's good to know that when other people get me down, I can just cook my blues away.

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