Monday, June 6, 2016

Looking Like a Home

I've been living in my current apartment for nearly a year, and while I've had visitors from time to time, I've never had anyone over for dinner.  The biggest obstacle with that was the fact that I didn't own a dining room table.  I recently noticed that the Elders in my ward aren't getting a lot of dinner appointments, and I decided that it was time I got a table so I could help them out.

On Saturday, Ian was kind enough to lend me the use of his truck (with him as the driver) and we visited IKEA.  I had done my research and I knew what I wanted, so the trip was pretty quick.  I've learned over the years that paying extra for natural materials will make the item in question last much longer (I learned that the hard way with shoes), so I got a table made of solid wood.  Now, the wood is pine, so it's still not fancy or anything, but I am happy with my purchase.

Assembling it was an easy if time consuming task and I was able to eat my dinner at my new table by that evening.

A simple table for a simple home.

Now armed with a dining set, I signed up to feed the Elders tomorrow night.  It should be fun.

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