Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Tuesdays with Media: Satori

As I did last year, I'm dedicating the month of March to instrumental music that I think is awesome.  Up first is John Danley playing his guitar with a paintbrush:

I love the the fact that Mr. Danley is being so creative with his instrument: he plays the body like a drum, he slides the paintbrush down the coiled strings, and he hammers hard enough with his left hand that he never needs to strum or pluck.  The song itself, "Satori," is mostly in a minor key, so it sounds dark, but never in a scary or evil way; more mysterious, if anything.

Danley's also good at crowd work as can be seen when he tells a fun, meandering story before playing a more traditional song.

I find music especially fun when you get a chance to see a musician perform a song and they are clearly having a blast with it.  John Danley does that in spades.

"Satori" is from the album Cemeteries, Missed Trains, & Blues Skies, distributed by Apriori Records.

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