Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Tuesdays with Media For Mom

Remember last month when I posted about the talented and bizarre guitarist, Buckethead?  Well, my grandma left a comment saying that what I called music was really just noise, at least as far as she was concerned.  Fair enough.  Let's try again with the Spanish-flavored "For Mom."

From his fourth studio album Colma, Buckethead plays a beautiful, slightly haunting acoustic piece with moments of thoughtful sadness as well as apprehensive happiness.  The entire album was written for his mother, who was recovering from colon cancer surgery, and he wanted to make her some music that she would like listening to while healing.  The other songs on the album are also acoustic and he shows off his skills without coming across as flashy.

So even if you didn't care for the last song I posted by this artist, I hope you'll give him another chance because he has made some truly beautiful music (while wearing a bucket on his head).

1 comment:

Grandma Bonnie said...

I like this much better. Some of the guitar music was really beautiful, however I found the constant running to be a bit tiring. We all show our age by the way we dress and the music we prefer. I love you Jordy and I'm looking forward to seeing you.