Monday, March 14, 2016

Diagnosis: Negative

I got my results for the sleep study in which I participated.  They were disappointing.  It turns out, I'm fine.  I snore lightly (which I knew), but it in no way affects my breathing and my oxygen levels were normal through out the night.

The results would be good, except now there are more questions.  I know that I've woken up during the night in the past not breathing, but now I have to wonder if those times were unusual or if I slept atypically during the study.

For now, I'm going to focus on changing my medication.  I should be approved this week to start the transition.  If the levetiracetam is causing the majority of my problems, I don't want to change other variables and miss something.

I guess the results being negative was a good thing and I was just hoping for an easy answer.  I'll simply have to keep investigating until I find the correct solution.

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