Friday, September 18, 2015

Listen to Your Mother

Wednesday night, I had another seizure.  I ran out of my anti-epilepsy medication the day before and there was a delay in getting the script refilled.

This particular seizure seems to have been pretty bad: I bit down on my lower lip, which is now badly bruised, and I popped enough blood vessels near the surface the skin on my neck and shoulder that that area is covered in red marks.  That said, my mobility doesn't appear to be as affected as the two previous seizures.

I went to bed a little after ten on Wednesday. At around twelve-thirty, I woke up in a stupor.  It took me several minutes to figure out what had happened, but once I did, I set to work to raise my bloodsugar.  After I'd eaten, I spent the next hour trying to fall back to sleep, without success.  I gave up and tried to read a book, but it was hard to stay focused: my body was awake, but my mind was very tired.  I ended up watching some TV until around seven, when I had to get ready for work.  I should mention that I tried to go to sleep two more times during this period, but each time I was too wired to go off to dreamland.

I went into the office, but only because I had an important meeting first thing.  With the meeting taken care of, I called the pharmacy to see if my meds were ready.  They were and had been since Tuesday.  Tuesday!  A lack of communication on their part caused me to have a seizure!  Anyway, I had already talked to my temporary manager who was very understanding and told me to take it easy.  Having met my obligation for the day and still being in danger of seizing, I went and picked up my medication and then went home to sleep.

In an attempt to avoid this sort of thing again, I have an appointment scheduled with a new doctor in a couple of weeks.  My mom had previously urged me to see a new doctor and I agreed, but I thought I'd be okay since I had the one more refill.

The moral of this story?  Listen to your mother.

1 comment:

Crystal said...

I like this moral. Another moral could be listen to your body.