Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Tuesdays with Media: Lewis & Clark

When I first started my career as a technical writer with my internship while I was still in college, I started a habit that I still employ today: listening to instrumental music while in the office to block out distractions.  The music blocks out other noises around me (like conversations) and the lack of words means the language center of my brain won't be busy while I'm trying to write.  A convenient way to do this is to go to Pandora and type in a musician that I like.  A nice bonus of doing this is that I discover new artists that I can appreciate.  That's how I came to know the music of Tommy Emmanuel.

Tommy Emmanuel is an Australian virtuoso guitarist that proves that the guitar can be the most versatile instrument on the planet in right hands.  He first became a professional musician at age six (he's nearly sixty today), so I think it's safe to say that he's well-practiced.  I often link to other songs that I also like so that you can discover more of an artist's catalog, but I honestly haven't come across anything from Mr. Emmanuel not worth listening to, so instead I'll link to his YouTube channel and invite you to explore what he has to offer.

Today's song is Lewis & Clark, who you'll probably recognize as the American explorers tasked by President Thomas Jefferson to explore the western United States and make it to the Pacific Ocean.  So, why did an Aussie write a song about American historical figures?  I can't say.  What I can say is that the song is beautiful and the name fits the music.  The first minute is spent on the introduction, but every journey requires preparation.  Once the song proper starts, the tempo picks up and there's a real sense of excitement and adventure, but there's also some uncertainty and trepidation in there because when you're starting a new adventure, that often means heading into the unknown.  This song fits all of these emotions perfectly and still shows off Tommy's skills (watch closely and you can sometimes see him strum with his pinky while still picking with his other four fingers).

I hoped you enjoyed the return of Tuesdays with Media and all of the songs featured during this month dedicated to instrumental music.  Are there any themes or genres you'd like to see me tackle in the future?

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