Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Skinny Slacks

For the last two months, I've been running hard at the gym and eating as little food as I could stand, but you already knew that.  What you didn't know was that it all paid off.

One of the big reasons that I was working so hard to drop some weight was that I was preparing for a health assessment at work (that I recently completed).  It was pretty basic with a simple blood test to check my cholesterol levels (all better than average) and measuring my BMI.  If I was determined to be healthy by the nurse that took my vitals, I would be given a discount on my health insurance premiums.  Now, a BMI of 25 is considered overweight and my recorded BMI was 26, but even if I had had a 29, I'd still be considered "healthy."  And just so you know, for me to be considered a healthy weight according to BMI, at 6' 1" I can't weigh more than 188 lbs, which is a bit ridiculous.

The other reason that I was working on losing some weight was that I was embarrassed when I started working again.  My business clothes were bought for a smaller-sized Jordan, so they were tighter than I'd like.  In fact, I couldn't even fasten one pair of slacks because I was too large.  I don't think of myself as vain, but it's tough to literally be too big for your britches.

Well, yesterday I decided to give those pants a try again.  As you can probably guess, they fit.  It wasn't a terribly exciting achievement, but it was satisfying.  Now, they were still a bit more form-fitting than when I bought them, but I could button them without causing myself physical discomfort, so I'm counting it as a win.

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