Friday, February 27, 2015

Illness Factors

I just got over being sick, but now I'm sick again.  I think my body's immune system is compromised due to a few factors:

Stress.  As I learned on Sunday (and posted about on Monday), you can't get divorced without some tears, so I think it's safe to say I'm experiencing higher-than-average levels of stress.  Additionally, I've recently been give more responsibility at work, which is a positive thing that I like, but it does mean my stress is higher.

Not enough sleep.  I've had insomnia since Allison and got separated.  It's hard for me to "power down" in an empty bed and I've caught myself reading much later than I should be, often after I've lied in bed for nearly an hour, unable to sleep.  I'm trying some new things in an attempt to fix that.

Not enough calories.  When I'm unemployed, I get fat.  In an attempt to rid myself of my kummerspeck, I've seriously cut back on what I eat.  It means that I'm often hungry, but I lost about fifteen pounds, so it worked.  That said, I may have overdone it.

Pushing myself too hard at the gym.  I was serious about trimming down, so on top of cutting back on what I ate, I ran.  A lot.  I have written about how I enjoy running in my neighborhood, but with so much snow of late, it was safer running indoors.  And running on a treadmill meant that I could control the speed I was running, so I devised a plan where I would sprint at 12 mph for thirty seconds and then jog at about half that speed for four minutes.  I would then run this circuit for an hour straight, sometimes pushing the sprinting time to a full minute.

One or two of these factors probably wouldn't have affected me too badly, but all four?  I'm lucky I can still make it to work.  I am making adjustments to my lifestyle to avoid making myself ill.

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