Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Unexpected Experience

Last week I was in charge of a Young Men's-hosted dinner.  Technical the Teachers were in charge, but I was offered a more direct role in the planning, so I took it.  Unfortunately, the dinner (which was not for the whole ward, just the senior members) was planned for Wednesday night, so I was at work and wasn't able to do any cooking.  Thankfully, I was able to get some parents to help out and all I had to do was buy and prep all the ingredients.  With everyone's help, it was all a huge success.

That's not what this post is about.

While I was in the kitchen getting everything ready (stirring, mixing, slicing, etc.), I experienced an aphasiatic episode.  The episode itself was mild enough, but what really worried me was this was the first time that I've had one while fully medicated.  In the past, as long as I took my meds -- even once-a-day instead of the prescribed twice -- I never had to worry about aphasia.

However, one episode could just be a fluke.  When I haven't been able to afford my medication, I was usually okay if I watched my blood-sugar and got enough sleep, though it was no guarantee.  Having reviewed everything in my mind, I was little sleep deprived and I hadn't had dinner when I arrived at the church, which may have pushed me over the edge even though I was medicated.  I guess I'll need to take the same precautions as when I don't have access to my meds, just with the view that being medicated is a bit of a bonus.

If this happens again when I'm medicated and my blood-sugar's fine and I'm well-rested, then I'll be concerned.

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